martes, 1 de julio de 2008

My last weekend (the last week of June), focused in prepare the celebration of San Pedro, because in my family, do a great lunch and tea for my grandfather and my dad is an old tradition. For this reason me, my mom and my grandmother, thing all week in the food for that day, searching different types of recipe for the lunch and a specially recipe of papaya and cherry cake. We made the list of the different ingredients for the recipes, and in the Saturday in the morning, I go whit my dad to the “vega” for buy all the fruits, vegetables, cheese and meat, to the “central market” for buy the fish and shellfish and to the supermarket for buy all the wine!...we love the wine.

2 comentarios:

Belén dijo...

hi!! I hope the celebration was a hit!! jaja
I found 2 little mistake (I`m sorry!) "grandmother, thinK all week in the food" because thing means "cosa".
"and a SPECIAL recipe of papaya and cherry cake", specially means "especialmente".
thats it!

Belén dijo...

mistakeS! I corrected my self!! jaja